🐶 看 Paw Patrol 學英文
Paw Patrol 電影在台灣上映了,你們去看了嗎?(圖片取自電影官網)
之前停課林寶在家看了兩個月的 Blaze and the Monster Machines,每天結束都會看到 Paw Patrol 的預告,後來調整了下作息時間,改看 Paw Patrol,現在是在 Netflix 上看。
不看則已,一看連二寶都愛上了!實在好奇幾隻狗狗怎麼有這麼大的魅力(媽媽覺得設定好瞎)?一些幼教專家分析了為什麼孩子喜歡看 Paw Patrol,不外乎是把自己投射在狗狗身上,小小身量,但可以拯救整個城市裡無能的大人!至於為什麼狗狗乖乖聽 Ryder 指揮呢?有人說,看在幼兒眼裡,10 歲的大哥哥大姐姐就是神 -- 看林寶跟表哥的互動,真的是這樣沒錯啊!
對於看膩了 Paw Patrol 的爸媽來說,好消息是:通常小孩到 8 歲左右就會失去興趣了哈~
又搜尋了幾篇報導,發現對 Paw Patrol 的批評也不少。Paw Patrol 其實是加拿大玩具商特意為了開發學齡前小男生的「變形機械」類型玩具市場,在世界各地徵稿,最終設定 10 歲天才男孩 Ryder 和他救援的小狗,所使用的車輛、集合基地 the Lookout,在影片裡都有超常細膩的特寫和變形動畫,其實就是在為玩具打廣告,繞過加拿大法規裡面不能在學前幼兒節目時段播放廣告的規定。說穿了,Paw Patrol 卡通其實是製作成本超高、宣傳效果超成功的廣告片!
故事中最早出現的幾隻狗狗裡面,只有 Skye 是女生,性別比例嚴重失衡,這也是最為人詬病的一點--雖說原是針對小男生設計的,但推出後喜歡看的女孩也不少。Skye 很帥的開著飛機,還很會後空翻,但從服裝、道具到飛機,全都是粉紅色的。第二季出現的 Everest 也是女生,但戲份少很多,服裝是粉紫色,跟 Skye 一樣長睫毛... 這次電影裡的新角色 Liberty 也是女孩,不知道是不是會刻意避免太過女性化的刻板印象。
還有一些好玩的資訊:幫 Ryder 配音的男孩們會遇到尷尬的變聲期,一變聲就得換人了,到現在 Ryder 的聲音演員已經換過四位--讓我聯想到維也納少年合唱團。另,玩具商老闆現在是加拿大財富榜前70幾名,都拜這幾隻狗狗所賜!
說了這麼多,小孩還是每天看啊... 不如來學學英文吧!
幾個角色都有經典台詞 catchphrases,粉絲網站上有詳細整理,把最常聽到的摘錄在底下:
* "No job is too big, no pup is too small!"
* "PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!"
* "PAW Patrol is on a roll!" -- 'on a roll' 有好運連連的意思,表示任務會成功
* "Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" -- 'yelp for help' 押韻
* "Chase is on the case!" -- 押韻
* "PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!"
* "Ready for a ruff ruff rescue!"
* "I'm fired up!"
* "Wait for me!" -- 林寶最喜歡 Marshall,因為他最搞笑,每次集合都是最後一個
* "I'm okay!"
* "Let's take to the sky!"
* "This pup's gotta fly!"
* "Green means go!"
* "Don't lose it, reuse it!" -- 押韻
* "Rubble on the double!" -- 押韻,'on the double' 主題曲裡面也出現過,快速的意思
* "Let's dig it!"
* "Let's dive in!"
* "Ready, set, get wet!" -- 押韻
* "Off the trail, Everest won't fail!" -- 押韻
* "Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!" -- 押韻
* "I'm all ears!"/"Soy Todo oídos!" -- 專注聆聽的意思
Liberty: (電影版新角色)
* "Liberty, reporting for duty!" -- 押韻,報到(有點軍人或船員用語的感覺)
另外,船長 Cap'n Turbot 講話也很有趣,常常押頭韻,愛用很多術語,狗狗常聽不懂,需要 Ryder 翻譯,下次可以注意聽看看!
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅Gavinchiu趙氏讀書生活,也在其Youtube影片中提到,NordVPN 透過遠端 VPN 伺服器隱藏IP,將所有發送和接收資料加密,只需簡易安裝,便可安心保障私隱,突破全球網禁封鎖線。 登記網址:https://nordvpn.com/gavinchiu Black Friday限時優惠:輸入優惠碼gavinchiu,訂購兩年計劃可享68%off優惠兼免...
「on and off第二季」的推薦目錄:
- 關於on and off第二季 在 媽媽好忙。媽媽好嗎? Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於on and off第二季 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於on and off第二季 在 Sandy Yu 游智婷 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於on and off第二季 在 Gavinchiu趙氏讀書生活 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於on and off第二季 在 Sirens Vocal Band Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於on and off第二季 在 ajin Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於on and off第二季 在 [情報] 我內心的糟糕念頭第二季放送預定? - 看板C_Chat 的評價
- 關於on and off第二季 在 市場觀點(2023年03月29日) 第二季投資巿場:Risk-on / Risk-off 的評價
- 關於on and off第二季 在 ON&OFF 2線上看- 綜藝全集線上看- Gimy劇迷 的評價
on and off第二季 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🔥 An Earnings Snapshot That Shines a Light on a Messy Economy
- snapshot 簡介;簡要情況
- shine a light on… 揭開、呈現出
🧐 As the reports roll in, investors will be awash in data, and it can be difficult, especially in this uncertain economic environment, to identify the most telling numbers. The coronavirus pandemic has been a boon to some sectors, such as technology, while battering companies in the financial and energy industries.
- awash 充滿的;充斥的;泛濫的
- telling 反映真實情況的;顯露內心活動的
- batter 接連猛打、重擊
✏️ Whirlpool’s North American Sales
Whirlpool’s quarterly North American sales had been pretty steady at about $3 billion for the past two years. They slid to $2.5 billion in the first quarter and are expected to fall to $2.3 billion in the second quarter. Analysts don’t expect a recovery to prior levels until the third quarter of 2021, according to FactSet. Whirlpool shares are down 3.4% this year.
- slid 下滑;衰落(slide的過去式)
- shares 股票;股份
💰 Discount-Store Sales
Watch for Dollar General Corp. ’s sales. It has 16,000 stores in 46 states, so it has broad reach. Sales were rising through 2018 and 2019 as job creation and economic growth were tapering off. They were up again in the first quarter and are expected to post a rise in the second as well. Dollar General shares are up 21% this year, while Walmart is up 11%.
接著來關注Dollar General Corp. 的銷售情況,該公司在美國46個州有1.6萬家門市,業務內容十分廣泛。在2018年和2019年美國就業和經濟增長放緩時,該公司的銷售額保持增長。該公司第一季度銷售額再次增長,預計第二季度銷售額也將持續增長。Dollar General股價今年累計上漲了21%,同期沃爾瑪股價則上漲11%。
- taper off 逐漸變小;逐步減弱
Sales have gradually _______ since the coronavirus pandemic _____ companies in the financial and energy industries.
A. tapped off/ battered
B. tapered off/ battered
C. tapered off/ buttered
華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!
on and off第二季 在 Sandy Yu 游智婷 Facebook 的精選貼文
當你需要快速工作,搬運東西,一個月行李限重23 kg,衣服不能常洗,也只有這樣深色衣服,可以幫忙我們完成。況且在台上主角不是我們,是神。
這場敬拜,我覺得非常的powerful, 在做後置製的時候,看到了會眾同心敬拜非常的激動。沒有想到,神去年就賜下「平安」跟「相信」的信息,預備大家的心,讓我們在狂風暴雨巨浪中,仍有神的平安在我們的心裡,想能夠堅定我們的信心。
This was the final worship in last summer‘s Asia Tour. I remember during that time, more than half of the members were sick because of the fatigue. My physical condition was pretty bad that I almost went to the ER. WIthin 3 days, we had to do everything from setup to what you see on stage and what you don’t see off stage. There were about 300 workers, we barely had time to eat, change, do make up. Many people wonder why we always wear black or dark clothes, well, its really because of conveninece. When you have do everything fast, move equipments, live on 23 Kg luggage for 1 month, laundry once a week in hot summer, we really didn’t have much choice.
I feel this is one of the very powerful worship during last tour, I was touched so many times by people‘s worship during the post production. I didn‘t expect that when God gave us the message “Peace” and “I believe” last year, it is to prepare his people to be ready for the stroms during this time.
Please enjoy the worship, may the Lord touch you powerfully.
on and off第二季 在 Gavinchiu趙氏讀書生活 Youtube 的最讚貼文
NordVPN 透過遠端 VPN 伺服器隱藏IP,將所有發送和接收資料加密,只需簡易安裝,便可安心保障私隱,突破全球網禁封鎖線。
Black Friday限時優惠:輸入優惠碼gavinchiu,訂購兩年計劃可享68%off優惠兼免費試用4個月。
趙氏曾任教於美國Bryant University 、北京理工大學珠海學院、深圳大學、香港樹仁大學、臺灣中央研究院近史所等多間學府,歷任助理教授、副教授、研究員、客座教授、高級訪問學者;
2018年獲中國經濟思想史優秀(一等)著作獎,研究題目包括經濟思想、經濟史、政治經濟學,出版著作二十一部,論文三十餘篇。英國權威出版社 Routledge給予 "中國和西方頂尖學者(leading Chinese and Western scholar)" 的評價。
或於YOUTUBE 上按加入成為會員,可獲影片的參考資料

on and off第二季 在 Sirens Vocal Band Youtube 的精選貼文
聽見最純的人聲演唱 訂閱我 ➔ https://bit.ly/2K8M6vx
享受最棒的播放清單 儲存我 ➔ https://bit.ly/2JU6jVz
「#歌神請上車」第二季冠軍 --- #魯蛋蛋 魯庭郁
myMusic、friDay音樂、KKBOX、看見音樂、Spotify、Apple Music、iTunes
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/acasirens
Instagram: https://instagram.com/sirensvocalband/
原唱:Christina Aguilera
翻唱:Sirens藍色警報 feat 魯蛋 魯庭郁
If you ain't dirty
You ain't here to party
Ladies, move, gentlemen, move
Somebody ring the alarm, a fire on the roof
Ring the alarm, and I'm throwing elbows
ah, let me loose
Oh, I'm overdue
Give me some room, coming through
Paid my dues, in the mood
Me and my girls come to shake the room
DJ's spinning, show your hands
Let's get dirty, that's my jam
I need that, uh, to get me off
Sweat until my clothes come off
It's explosive speakers are thumping
Still jumping six in the morning
Table dancing glasses are crashing
No question time for some action
Temperature's up, about to erupt
Gonna get my girls, get your boys
Gonna make some noise
Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirty, It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat dripping over my body
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirty, it's about time for my arrival
Ah, heat is up
ladies, fellas, drop your cups
Bodies packed, front to back
Move your ass, I like that
Tight hip-huggers, low for sure
Shake a little something on the floor
I need that, uh, to get me off
Sweat until my clothes come off
Let's get open cause a commotion
We're still going eight in the morning
There's no stopping we keep it popping
Hard rocking everyone's talking
Give all you've got, just hit the spot
Gonna get my girls, get your boys
Make some noise
Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirty, It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat dripping over my body
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirty, it's about time for my arrival
Here it comes, it's the one you been waiting on
Get up, get it rough, yup, that's what's up
Giving just what you love to the maximum
Uh oh, here we go
What to do when the music starts to drop
That's when we take it to the parking lot
And I bet you somebody's gonna, call the cops
Uh oh, here we go, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Yo, hot damn, Doc a Jam like a Summer Show
I keep my car looking like a crash dummy drove
My gear look like the bank got my money froze
For dead presidents I pimp like Huddy roll
Doc the one that excite to divas
If the media shine, I'm shining with both of the sleeves up
Yo Christina, better hop in here
My block live and in color, like Rodman hair
The club is packed, the bar is filled
I'm waiting for sister to act like Lauryn Hill
Frankly, it's a rap, no bargain deals
I drive a four-wheel ride with foreign wheels
Throw it up, baby it's Brick City, you heard of that
We blessed, and hung low, like Bernie Mac
Dogs, let them out, women, let them in
It's like I'm ODB, the way I'm freaking
Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirty, It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat dripping over my body
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirty, it's about time for my arrival
Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirty, It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat dripping over my body
Dancing getting just a little naughty
Wanna get dirty, it's about time for my arrival
Uh, what?
混音師:Double @Nerdyboy Inc. Production 我宅有限公司
影像製作單位:Webtvasia Taiwan
魯蛋 魯庭郁

on and off第二季 在 ajin Youtube 的最讚貼文
pc steam The Walking Dead: Season 2 陰屍路 行屍走肉 第二季第五章 no going back 動作劇情故事殭屍蘿莉生存
► 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
► twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
► 全部遊戲播放清單 http://goo.gl/DUs8Ar
► 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
► 同系列影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpcoJFB7ae5RkgLeI7d5ZmyX
The second season follows Clementine (Melissa Hutchison) a young girl who has been able to survive the walkers thanks to the help of Lee Everett (Dave Fennoy). At the start of the apocalypse, Lee helps to protect Clementine and offers to help her find her parents who had gone to Savannah; they join several survivors in their journey. When Clementine is captured, a bitten Lee rescues her, but both realize her parents have become walkers. She is forced to choose between shooting him or leaving him to reanimate, before venturing off on her own.

on and off第二季 在 市場觀點(2023年03月29日) 第二季投資巿場:Risk-on / Risk-off 的推薦與評價

梁君馡及其他市場專家為你分析宏觀市況走勢。梁君馡恒生銀行有限公司- 投資總監辦公室及顧問服務財富管理首席投資總監溫灼培恒生銀行有限公司- 投資 ... ... <看更多>
on and off第二季 在 ON&OFF 2線上看- 綜藝全集線上看- Gimy劇迷 的推薦與評價
《ON&OFF2》是韓國tvN播出的綜藝節目,由嚴正化、成始璄、草娥、尹博和Nucksal主持。另外,第一季由成始璄、曹世鎬和金玟我主持,並於2020年5月2日 ... ... <看更多>
on and off第二季 在 [情報] 我內心的糟糕念頭第二季放送預定? - 看板C_Chat 的推薦與評價